Proyecto Chanology [En Processo]

Para mas información sobre porque se están llevando acabo esta protesta contra el Culto de la Cienciología o mas información sobre "Anonymous" en general visite; o dirijase aqui.

Your Mission: Spy vs Sci from LRonHu88ard on Vimeo.

Feel free to leave comments on the posts.

Spy vs Sci - License to Lulz.

Operation Fair Game: Stop

Thursday, March 27, 2008


ONWARD - Road To March 15, 2008 - FINAL VERSION from Pelvidar on Vimeo.

Pelvidar @


This video is finally ready for release. I have hosted it on Vimeo this time around, because they offer HD uploads for free. To view it in full quality, click the "FULL" icon on the screen, and then click the scaling button. Depending on how the scaling is set, it will either stretch to the full monitor size or not. Stretching to full monitor size looks nice on my screen.

I have mixed feelings about this video. The first one I created tried to capture the beginnings of this movement. That video was called "Road To February 10, 2008", and was originally posted on DailyMotion (see it here: It told a truly phenomenal story about the rise of Anonymous vs. Scientology. There was a lot of emotional energy to draw from.

This sequel, however, focuses more on "information", and I don't think it has the same emotional impact. Which is okay, I suppose, but I think it reduces the "epic win" nature of it. I hope some of you still find it beareable to sit through. Once again it is 15 minutes long... could be tough if you have A.D.D.

I do think it would be a useful tool to show those who don't have a personal investment in Anonymous and simply want to know "why" concerns about Scientology are worth a second thought.

This video had a very limited release a week ago, in order to catch the majority of errors. However, there may be more, and your feedback would be most appreciated, positive or negative.

For the future DVD release, I will try to incorporate as many of the necessary corrections as possible.

The video:

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Yahoo.. lulz.

Lol whut?

Yahoo Search: Scientology Puerto Rico

What is the first result?

Puerto Rico | Scientology Lies

Awesome, and this isn't even anon's work. But it's a great site check it out:

Operation Reconnect Thread on Enturb.

We have now made a thread available on Enturbulation discussing the planning stage of this protest.

Ahora tenemos un tema en los foros de Enturbulation para discutir la fase de planeacion de la protesta.

Find it here.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Historical note..

According to

10 years ago there was a picket in Puerto Rico made by critics.
If only they knew about our protests so they could join us.

Puerto Rico Picket

Date: March 15, 1998
Critics picket in Puerto Rico. Notes: Birthday Picket

Nuevos flyers de disconnection.

Version #2 (click)

New disconnection flyers.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Scientology Disconnection Info

Scientology Disconnection

Personal stories, current practices, published policies, public relations


Letter from Jenna Miscavige Hill to Karin Pouw of the Church of Scientology

Dear Karin [Pouw, spokesperson for official Scientology],

I could not resist the opportunity to write you this letter having read your official rebuttal regarding the Tom Cruise biography.

I have been involved in the Church of Scientology since birth. David Miscavige as you well know is my father's brother, making him my uncle.

In fact you and I actually know each other although not very well.

I cannot comment on your responses regarding the personal life of Tom Cruise because I know nothing about this, but I am absolutely shocked at how vehemently you insist upon not only denying the truths that have been stated about the Church in that biography, but then take it a step further and tell outright lies.

You go so far as to state:

'7. Does Scientology encourage their members not to speak to their family if they don't support the religion?

'This allegation is not only false, it is the opposite of what the Church believes and practices.' -Karin Pouw

As you well know, my parents officially left the Church when I was 16 in 2000. I, having been separated from them at the age of 12 and thoroughly engulfed in the beliefs of the Church since birth decided not to go with them.

Not only was I not allowed to speak to them, I was not allowed to answer a phone for well over a year, in case it was them calling me. To give exact specifics, this "law" was enforced ruthlessly by one Tracye Danilovoch - the local representative for the Religious Technology Center - who intercepted all letters from my parents (and my friends). She would then pass them on to Marc Rathbun (the then 2nd in command of the Church) and Mike Rinder - who happens to be the former head of YOUR office - "The Office of Special Affairs" (you can thank me later for not elaborating on this one). Only after they had seen the letters and decided it was ok for me to see them would I receive some of them while sitting in a board room while they watched me read them and asked me to comment on them.

I was allowed to visit my parents from the age of 16-22, once a year for a maximum of 3-4 days, but that was only after they (my parents) threatened legal action if the Church got in the way of this and even then only after I underwent a "Security Check Confessional" before I saw them and immediately after I came back. A security check is interrogation (usually about if I intend on leaving the Church, or finding out if my parents have said anything bad about the Church, etc.) while being attached to an electrophsychometer which is similar to a lie detector. This happened every single time I saw then (which was never more than 3 or 4 days a year).

For a more recent example of families being destroyed, My Aunt Jennifer Pantermeuhl has recently contacted my parents and let them know that she can no longer speak to them or be in contact with them because they speak to and live near, my other Aunt Sarah Mortland. Sarah is my mom's and Jennifer's sister. This is because Sarah is not in favor with the Church. Jennifer also contacted my brother Sterling as well as the rest of the family for the same reason most of whom had to lie to her and said they weren't talking to Sarah for fear of getting found out about.

Another good example would be when my other brother, Justin, was in Florida a few years ago and was on his way to visit our Aunt Denise Gentile (our father's sister and David Miscavige's twin) with his girlfriend. Denise abruptly cancelled while they were on their way over because the Church would not approve - because he was an ex- member. Not to mention the fact that Kirsten Caetano (a member of the Church's Office of Special Affairs - the very same organization you belong to) was contacting Justin several times when he was in Florida working, telling him that he needed to leave the state because he is an ex-member and his presence at the "mecca of scientology" was disturbing to the church. Kristen has admitted to my face that she did this when I confronted her and even went so far as to admit that she lied to my brother after denying the incident. This is the least of what Kirsten Caetano has done!

You cite this quote from L. Ron Hubbard about what the Church believes with regards to families..... yes we know what the Church claims to believe" and has written in its policies! - BUT do they practice that? Absolutely not!

I can name at least 5 friends off the top of my head who's family members are not allowed to speak to them without being themselves ousted from the Church and prevented from communicating with other members of their family and even their children still involved in the Church lest THEY too be ousted! They can’t speak to their children because they have left the Church on their own determinism. This is a widespread practice and if you dare deny it I have a list of all of there names together-these people's families are crying every day because they can't speak to their children who did nothing but leave the Church of their own free will.

If I am in fact wrong and you want to prove me as such, then allow me and my family to be in contact with our family members that are still part of the Church such as my Grandpa, Ron Miscavige, and his wife, Becky. Allow the same of my friends. And don't even start with the, it's their choice all along story..." -nobody is going to buy that, there are way too many destroyed families for that to be true.

I am tempted to take up many of the other accusations you categorically deny in your novel, but for the purpose of keeping this letter readable and focused on the most important part (family) I will resist.

I will suggest however that maybe you should spend the manpower and time of drafting your masterpiece rebuttal - why don't you take the high road for once and put that time towards repairing the families you have destroyed, starting with the family of David Miscavige himself - hell, if Scientology can't keep his family together - then why on earth should anyone believe the Church helps bring families together!


Jenna Miscavige Hill

Souce: Scientology Disconnection

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Operation Reconnect.. 12 de abril

Esta es la proxima protesta que se va a estar haciendo, la unica forma que esto se hara realidad es con la asistencia tuya.

Debido a la baja asistencia de la ultima protesta, no llamamos mucho la atención del media de Puerto Rico. So, si queremos que todo Puerto Rico sepa la verdad de Scientology tenemos que realmente esforzarnos para traer a todas las personas que podamos.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Church wars!! & March 15th Media Coverage


Church wars. Abc Newsbitch proclaims "The Church of Anonymous"

March 15th [Operation Party Hard] Coverage



United States


Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 15th, a day to remember.

Today's protest was full of win and fail...

3 anons showed up.. FAIL.

All our flyers were passed... WIN

We got media & the "church's" attention.. WIN
(the scientology handler)

No cake... Fail

No video D:
EPIC FAIL!!! (specially because the scientologists approached us)

Well it was alright specially when the scientologist came after us.
But epic win has been achieved by getting contacted by the media for the interview.
I'll keep you updated on this.

Oh! And watch out for tomorrows ENDI just in case if our story gets published.

We weren't just three people.. we were three people with a powerful message.
Actually we got some people cheering us on!

That's all for now.

Now we have more info regarding the Scifag on ED.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10th: Press the Press

Hoy hay que contactar a toda la prensa posible para dejarles saber sobre nuestra protesta.

Ya yo contacte a:

[X] El Nuevo Dia
[X] El Vocero
[] Ojeda (email no disponible)
[X] Primera Hora

Sabes de mas?
Recuerda personalizarlo a quien sea que le estés enviando.

Pues incluye esto en tu mensaje:

"En el 15 de marzo a las 11:00 A.M. miembros del grupo colectivo de la Internet, conocidos como anónimo, protestaran en contra de la Iglesia de Scientology en la Ave. Jesus T. Piñero 272, Hato Rey. Nosotros estaremos celebrando el cumpleaños del fundador de la Iglesia, conocido como L. Ron Hubbard al diseminar información sobre las especiales excepciones de taxes permitido por el IRS (Internal Revenue Stervice) a los Scientologists. Esta va a ser la segunda protesta mundial mundial (primera vez hecha en Puerto Rico) en contra de la organización de Scientology. En la primera protesta asistieron sobre 9000 personas de aproximadamente 18 países.

Somos anonymous. Espérenos.

Para mas información sobre nuestra protesta y el movimiento en contra las practicas ilegales e inmorales de la "Iglesia" de Scientology puede ser conseguido en las siguientes paginas de web: - Pagina oficial de Anonymous en Puerto Rico -el "Press Release" oficial de Anonymous (pdf file) - la Campaña oficial del Projecto Chanology "Anonymous Lobby Against Scientology". - una pagina web que contesta sobre porque protestamos y con opiniones en como unirte a esta causa. - una pagina creada por "ex-Scientologists" cuales crecieron en esta organización y luego se fueron. - un recurso de información sobre activismo an contra de las practicas de la Iglesia de Scientology."

Recuerden leer el blog anterior.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Operation Party Hard in 5 days 15 hours!!

So little left yet so much planning!!

Coordinates of the Church in Google Maps:

18.407843, -66.060660

Protest end location (could be changed):

18.407785, -66.061073

Although isn't that a bit far away?

I thought about the Parque Luis Muñoz Marin! We have to pay, but our cars are safe. XD
And we just march from the park to the Chruch hand out things on the way there.

So its:

1.Park at el Parque Luis Muñoz Marin
2. March to the "Chruch"
3. Hand out Flyers
4. ?????????????
5. Profit!!

Any comments or questions?

Hay personas que pagan $33,835 por esto...

Nuevo Flyer.

Por favor dejen comments en el blog anterior sugiriendo donde nos reunimos antes de llegar allá.

También, muchas personas han dicho que no hay aceras ahí, es correcto. Pero nosotros no vamos a hacer la protesta directamente alfrente de la "iglesia", va a ser un poco despues, donde esta el semáforo y ahi si hay un poco de espacio donde se puede realizar sin ser ningún estorbo.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Donde nos encontramos?

Sugieran un lugar en donde reunirnos media hora antes del protest.
Para luego ir a la protesta desde ahí.

Déjenlo en comment.
No tienes que registrarte para dejar comments.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Video no longer available due to..

Una semana para la protesta!!

Solo quedan 7 dias para la segunda protesta mundial por anonymous mundialmente.


Esta semana tienen que promocionar nuestra protesta en todos lados ya sea en los alrededores de centros comerciales, semaforos, carros. Solo que llege la palabra para que sepan sobre esto, y aunque no vayan por lo menos que sepan la verdad de Scientology.

Usen los flyers que se encuentran en la seccion "Flyers en Español" a la derecha.

Esto va a ser un 15 de marzo que nunca sera olvidado!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Ides of March

Hola otra vez, Lideres de la Cienciología. Somos Anónimo. Nuestras esperanzas han sido sobrepasadas. Nuestro mensaje ha sido distribuido miles alrededor del mundo y nuestra Resolución crece de cada día mas fuerte.

El 10 de febrero será recordado como el día histórico de Anónimo, cuando impulsamos a la Gente para canalizar su ultraje hacia la protesta. Miles se ofrecieron mundialmente en defensa de la Verdad, la Honestidad y la Integridad. El actual Lider de la Cienciologia, David Miscavige, no puede mas esconder la verdadera Cara de los Ojos públicos. Nosotros estamos Orgullosos y muy unidos, pero todavía no es suficiente.

Mientras hemos tenido un poco de éxito, las injusticias hechas por la llamada " iglesia " continúan resonando y llamándonos la atención. Esperamos que nuestro mensaje le haya llegado a través de los folletos, la Internet o la palabra dicha. Esperamos que ustedes hayan sido inspirados para alzarse y ayudarnos a continuar nuestra campaña contra una secta peligrosa. Escribir a Funcionarios Públicos y Políticos es una excelente forma de presionar a la iglesia para cambiar sus maneras ilegales cuando provocan simultáneamente la intervención del gobierno. No importa dónde ustedes viven, para residentes de Estados Unidos, escribir a los Congresistas y Senadores es esencial para nuestra causa. Cojan pluma y papel y demostremos a la iglesia que nuestras palabras son mas fuertes que su violencia.

El poder de las ideas es indiscutible. El momento está con nosotros, levantándonos a lo mas alto. Algunos son escépticos, pero las pruebas para la necesidad de nuestras acciones son Sólidas. La Cienciologia no es una iglesia, sino una organización de pro-ganancia, que no se merece tener el estatus de no deber pagar impuestos, mientras los demás tienen que trabajar duro diariamente para su sueldo. Mientras el peaje humano de la acciones de la iglesia es tan alto, el gobierno de Estados Unidos ha sido victimado por sus técnicas atroces. Operación Blanca Nieves "Snow White" fue el esfuerzo de la cienciologia para limpiar su imagen, infiltrándose y robando documentos en muchas organizaciones del gobierno, incluyendo la IRS y el FBI. Los mas altos responsables fueron acusados y encarcelados cuando se descubrieron los hechos. La violencia es su credo, lo hemos visto una vez mas el 10 de febrero pasado, cuando dos cienciólogos fueron detenidos por agresión en Londres.

Esta vez nos aficionamos a la calle de nuevo por lo siguiente:

Sobre el 15 de marzo, cumpleaños de L.R.H, seria bueno de celebrarlo mundialmente fuera y delante de las iglesias de la cienciologia. Anónimo prolongamos una cordial invitación a todos aquellos, que desean asistir, ayudándonos a librar el mundo de una organización corrupta. Es el momento de destruir su engaña para no pagar impuestos. Es el momento de revelar su participación en la destrucción de familias. Ha llegado el tiempo de escribir a nuestros miembros del congreso, nuestros senadores, nuestros políticos y dar conocimiento de la verdad en todo el mundo. Ha llegado el momento de afrontar la corrupción y la maquinaria de Miscavige y sus amigotes. La Cienciologia será hecha para ser vencida por la luz de nuestra verdad, y seguramente tendrán que escapar de la luz y de la verdad.

Somos anónimos

Somos legión

No perdonamos y no permitiremos que jamas alguien será olvidado.

Tengan cuidado con los Ides de Marzo.

Two new flyers!

Never got a chance to put them up but here they are!

And a more toner friendly one:

Courtesy: gringoanonimo

Evento de Scientology el 3/15 y 3/16

From the Enturbulation thread:

From: AnonZombie
Attention Puerto Rico Anons, this is semi-short notice, but a Scilon event is going on in Puerto Rico (I'm assuming in San Juan) on 3/15 and 3/16. Please see this thread. I'm not from Puerto Rico, I'm just going around and posting a link to that thread for each city listed, because I'm sure many people haven't seen the thread. I apologize if this has already been brought up or if many people already know. Cheers, and stay strong, Anon.

15 - 16 March 2008

London Congress on Dissemination and Help in:
Puerto Rico

But what is that?

London Congress on Dissemination and Help - A seminar/course.

But nevertheless this protest shall continue.

Monday, March 3, 2008

*UPDATE* Lista de Scientologists de Puerto Rico

"Scientologists online".

Vayan aqui.

Un anonymous me recordó en comment y tiene razón!
Usen "proxies" antes de entrar a la pagina.

DCC March 2008 Flyer Raid!!

Invadimos la convención para anunciar nuestra protesta de 15 de Marzo en cada uno de los carros.

Si llegaste aquí por el flyer, estaría brutal si nos acompañarías el 15.
Pero, si todavía no sabes porque es la protesta, lee mas info arriba o en los links a la derecha de la pagina. Nos vemos alla!!

[Photo Credit: Lord Cybron de Paquines Forums]

Ya que estoy usando una foto de paquines les voy a advertise la próxima convención. =]

It's Back!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Promote Anonymous/March 15th!

We must already start posting flyers up and giving them to people. To encourage them to join us on March 15th.

Ya debemos de empezar a poner los flyers en todos lados y entregarles a personas. Para animarlos a que nos acopañen en Marzo 15.

Beware the ideas of March.