Proyecto Chanology [En Processo]

Para mas información sobre porque se están llevando acabo esta protesta contra el Culto de la Cienciología o mas información sobre "Anonymous" en general visite; o dirijase aqui.

Your Mission: Spy vs Sci from LRonHu88ard on Vimeo.

Feel free to leave comments on the posts.

Spy vs Sci - License to Lulz.

Operation Fair Game: Stop

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Downtime de la Pagina

Lo sentimos por los días que hemos tenido de downtime en la pagina. Es debido a que se estan instalando modificaciones para hacer la pagina de PR Anonymous mucho mejor con mas espacio para info, flyers, y comunicación.

Pronto tendremos un mejor interface en la pagina, así que esten pendientes!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Maiden Voyage Anniversary Events

Moar info about this faggotry here.

Opening night for PR: Jul 12 = Spy vs. Sci protest which means we must bring infos about the Sea Org and the Failwinds.

Este evento empieza en PR: 12 de Jul = Protesta Spy vs. Sci lo cual significa que debemos traer info sobre el Sea Org y el Failwinds

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wirah | Spy vs. Sci Puerto Rico

Por favor confirmen su asistencia en el evento en Wirah. Para todos tener un estimado de el numero de personas que asistirán a este evento. Si es por la localización que no pueden ir, díganlo!! Asi nos ponemos de acuerdo todos en el foro del evento en Wirah. La otra opción seria dejarlo en comment en el blog post de aquí, pero realmente alla seria mas coveniente para todos.

Link del evento:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Tory

We hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wirah | Puerto Rico Network

  • Que es Wirah?
Wirah es una red "anti-social" que ha sido desarrollada para traer balance en Anonymous.
Aqui el grupo puede ser mas que un pensamiento igual; se puede hacer un consenso.
  • Que hay que hacer para registrar?
Oprimes register en la esquina superior a la derecha. Y luego te dara una clave con numeros en este formato: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Tendrás que guardar esta clave para volver a 'loguearte' con tu misma cuenta.

  • Que funciones tienen las redes (networks) de Wirah?
Cada red tiene su propio "dicussion board" en tipo de foro en donde se pueden discutir fácilmente asuntos de esa área en especifica. Ademas hay una sección de eventos donde se podrán subir archivos para compartir (flyers/fotos), información del evento, y si hay algún motivo o si se necesita de alguna forma una donación; la pagina tiene una función que lleva cuenta con una barra hasta llegar a la meta. Convenientemente se pueden hacer las donaciones por el link que sea suplido para la causa, uno de las causas para lo cual ha sido usado recientemente fue para llevar a Tory y a Mark Bunker a Inglaterra. =]
  • Cual es el link de Wirah?
Pues pueden llegar yendo a o haga click aqui para ir directamente a la red de Puerto Rico.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sea Arrrgh: Post Results

Hey guys sorry for the long wait!!

We are currently waiting for the pictures that an anon took so we can put them up!

Moar info on the post results at enturb.

So stay tuned!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Un dia piratas..

Solo queda un día para Operación: Sea Arrrgh.

Mañana vamos a estar en Plaza Las Americas repartiendo flyers, DVDs, y tarjetas del Sea Arrgh. El tema de este mes es de piratas, así que, esperen unas cositas extras. Pero na, si no vas, no importa lo importante es que te informes sobre los abusos que $cientology hace.

Vean este promo video sobre el Sea Arrrgh (no el Sea Org):

Para resumirle el Sea Org es como la armada (Navy) personal de la "Iglesia" de Scientology. [[Que iglesia tiene su propia armada??]] - Pero porque protestamos?
-Abortos forzosos
-Labor Esclavizado (trabajo sin paga)/ Paga miserable
-Contrato de un BILLON de años!
-Desconectan a los miembros de sus familiares al ser nombrados SPs (Suppresive Persons/Personas Supresivas), al no estar de acuerdo con su religión o por no pertenecer a la misma.

Infórmense mas vean estos flyers: (en ingles)|||

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stu Wyatt Press Release


Plymouth, UK - Stuart "Stu" Wyatt, an activist who has been an outspoken critic of Scientology, was arrested this morning at his home in Plymouth, UK. It is reported that the arrest has stemmed from a charge of assault by a staff member from the local Scientology "org" (branch) in Plymouth.

The alleged assault occurred during a "flash protest" with supporters of Anonymous on June 3rd, 2008 at Plymouth's City Centre. A "flash protest" is an improvised picket intended to inform the public of Scientology's dishonest recruiting practices - including using a "Free Stress Test" and distributing fliers that have recently been objected to by the UK Advertising Standards Authority for unsubstantiated medical claims.

Stu uses a mobility scooter to assist him in his daily activities due to a neurological condition. Known for his politeness and soothing voice, this well-loved activist garnered the respect of local law enforcement and thousands of viewers on YouTube. One of his most popular videos was from a "flash protest" on May 31, 2008 when Vicky Boyce, the President of Scientology's "Plymouth Org", stole three signs from the protesters. Carrying a camera, Stu followed Ms. Boyce through shopping malls, down streets, and in front of the Scientology office, all the while informing passers-by of the theft. The police were called and a once-smiling Vicky Boyce was forced to return the signs. This incident, and others in the past months documenting Stu's cheerful placidity in the face of physical assault by Scientology employees, have endeared Stu to a wide audience.

During the course of the June 3rd protest, videotaped for his personal safety, a representative of the Church of Scientology obstructed his passage and attempted to "bait" an assault by placing her feet in front the wheels of his mobility scooter. This tactic, known as "bull-baiting", is included in "religious" training intended to induce actionable incidents as part of a long-recognizable history of litigious harassment by Scientology. The provocation has as its goal production of material used to harass and discredit critics of Scientology.

As of the writing of this press release, Stu Wyatt was to our knowledge still in the custody of local law enforcement with charges of assault against him. His court date is tomorrow, June 13, 2008 at 10:00 AM.

Anonymous is an international leaderless collective of individuals from all walks of life who use the internet and are united by the power of ideas. The next Anonymous protest in Plymouth, UK and in many cities worldwide will be on Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 11:00 AM and will focus on the abuses of the cult of Scientology's "navy" called The Sea Org in which members must sign a one billion year contract in addition to agreeing to relinquish all of their civil rights. Anonymous protesters and concerned members of the public are encouraged to wear pirate costumes to participate in the Anonymous parody of The Sea Org called The Sea Arrrgh.

For interviews, press inquiries, or more information regarding Stu Wyatt, please call David of the local Plymouth Cult Watch at 0785-3016084.

For more information about Anonymous, please visit the following links:

1) Operation: Sea Arrrgh - June 14
2) Why We Protest
3) Link to the the alleged "assault":

4) Show ASA Adjudications

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Press Release :: Sea Arrrgh


‘Sea Org Vs. Sea Arrrgh’ - A Global Protest Against the Church of Scientology’s Paramilitary Organization

San Juan, PR — June 10, 2008 12:00 PM — This Saturday, the collective known as Anonymous launches ‘Sea Org Vs. Sea Arrrgh’, the fifth in a series of global protests against the Church of Scientology. From 11am (local time) onwards, thousands of Anonymous will take to the streets in peaceful protest at over 100 Church of Scientology centres around the world, including San Juan.

Anonymous is a grassroots collective comprised of ordinary people from all walks of life, from former Scientologists and long-time cult activists, to college students and corporate professionals, all united in recognition of the malign nature of the Church of Scientology, the danger it poses to society, and the necessity of action. Since the campaign's inception in January, over 10,000 activists from around the world have joined Anonymous' fight, and millions have been made aware of the dangers posed by the Church and its practices.

The June initiative focuses specifically on the Sea Org, the Church of Scientology's parmilitary organization, and the abuses its members suffer. Members are required to sign a contract committing their services for the next 1 billion years. [1] Members are not permitted to have children while working for the organization. Women who get pregnant are either pressured to abort the baby, or they must leave. Often, these people have been in the Sea Org so long, they have nowhere to go, no work experience outside of the Church, no finances, no property, and no non-Scientology friends. Anyone who leaves the Sea Org without permission is declared a Suppressive Person by the Church of Scientology, and is ostracized from family, friends, and loved ones. It is very difficult to get permission to leave the Sea Org, and one cannot simply quit and then walk out the door. The "approved" leaving process involves up to 3 years of hard physical labor, confessionals, social isolation and group pressure. Because Scientology has religious status in many countries, labor laws do not apply to the Sea Org. Therefore, Sea Org members have no protection from long and abusive work hours. Many work 17-20 hours days because of the pressures of the job. Anyone who complains is treated as though they are "not getting with the program", "unethical", or "not on board". There are thousands of minors working under these conditions in the Sea Org. [2] This is a very minimal outline of the horrifying living conditions suffered by those working in the Sea Org.

Additionally, the Church of Scientology's luxury liner, "Freewinds", remains in drydock due to contamination with blue asbestos. According to some sources this asbestos contamination was known to the Church as early as 1987 and ignored, exposing thousands of passengers and Church employees to the risk of cancer. Experts advise that decontaminating the ship would cost millions of dollars and may not even be possible. Meanwhile, the Church of Scientology continues to solicit funds for cruises that may not happen. [3]

Multiple governments [4] have become aware of the perverse tactics of Scientology, and are beginning to take positive steps in reducing the damage it perpetrates. Under increasing pressure from media, police departments [5] and the tide of public opinion, Scientology has gone on the attack. In recent weeks, Anonymous protesters have been stalked and threatened with legal action in an attempt to dissuade them from protesting, and silence their criticism. Anonymous remain undaunted, and will continue to confront the cult and its numerous front groups wherever they pose a threat.

For more information on the Church of Scientology and Anonymous, an info package has been created and is available for download at


[1] Sea Arrrgh Page
[2] Sea Org Contract
[3] ESK - The Sea Org / Cadet Org
[4] Scientology luxury cruise ship remains locked down; Cult put thousands at high cancer risk
[5] BBC NEWS | Europe | Germany moves to ban Scientology
[6] Authorities in Belgium raid Church of Scientology - Wikinews, the free news source

Anonymous: Project Chanology Information:
Are you ready to Go Anonymous? Fight the Church of Scientology - Ask us Why
Stop Scientology Abuses | You Found The Card
Why We Protest
Scientology Activism and Organization |
Project Chanology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monday, June 2, 2008

XenuTV is back on YouTube!

Yes today June 2nd YouTube has reinstated both his youtube accounts, xenutv and xenutv1.
Although he said he found his new home at Vimeo I really think he should continue making videos for youtube even after what they made him go through..

Congrats WBM on getting both your accounts back!

Edit: Nev video on all accounts!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

NY Scientology Chief: "I Smell Pussy"

When Rev. John Carmichael, president of the Church of Scientology of New York, came face-to-face with a small contingent of Anonymous protestors this past Monday, he didn't engage them in a spiritual debate. Instead, he leaned into one member on a Times Square street and said, “Let me tell you this: I smell pussy.” Then, looking squarely at the Anon added, “You in particular.”

All caught on tape, Carmichael hits a breaking point with the handful of protestors at about 5:17 seconds into the Anon-edited clip, conveniently posted the same day on YouTube. Carmichael threatens the group, after yelling at an almost nose-to-nose distance with one Anon over disclosing his name. (With the Church’s documented history of assailing dissenters through its fair game policy, and with legal threats delivered to a couple of New York Anons already, protestors try to keep their identities guarded—hence the Anonymous.) He also implores them to “come out of the closet.”

Typically, New York Anons pop into the Times Square area—close to the Church’s 46th Street center—to conduct “flash raids” in between their larger monthly rallies. This particular visit took place on Memorial Day, the footage opening up with Anonymous members chalking up the sidewalk grade-school-style, warning passersby to skip the free “stress test” that the Church of Scientology offers to rope in potential members, and later taunting Rev. John Carmichael to his face (Take “your spaceship and go away!”). It also captures how adept the group has become at preventing Scientology officials from capturing their likenesses on film and later identifying them: using the ol' celebrity-bodyguard trick of pointing a flashlight at the camera. Impressively crafty, but not to Rev. John Carmichael.

Source: Village Voice

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dianetics Book-A-Thon May 24 - 29

Book-a-thon website:

"In celebration of the first anniversary of the Basics, every Scientologist is putting their shoulder to the wheel and participating in making this the highest ever Book-a-Thon in history!!! This Book-a-Thon is on from 24 May all the way until 29 May (Thursday), so it’s not too late to pour on the coals!"

This is an annual book-a-thon where cities compete to sell the most books. Where do we come in?
Keep those numbers down. D<




1 EU 672
2 LATAM 273
3 CIS 249
4 UK 235
5 ANZO 194
6 WUS 170
7 AFRICA 109
8 EUS 104
9 CEE 84
10 CANADA 18



1 LONDON 170
2 MUNICH 161
3 MILANO 157
40 ATHENS 13
42 CC INT 12
44 MIAMI 11
Puerto Rico has sold 12 books, we cannot tolerate the spreading of this, everyone has to know about what it really is about! Anyone have info as to where they are selling them, is it in the org?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Charges Dropped! ENG Wins!

Tenemos buenas noticias. Los cargos imputados a "Epic Nose Guy" (ENG) han sido negados. Tantas personas estuvieron juntas en contra de estas acciones en contra de la libertad de expresión sobre no poder llamar a la "Iglesia" de Scientology una "Dangerous Cult" (secta peligrosa), que ya esto es el pasado. Tuvimos dos ventajas de esta situación, TODA Inglaterra ahora sabe lo que la secta de Scientology es capaz de hacer en contra de un joven de 15 a~os y la otra es que tenemos un icono de libertad de expresión en Inglaterra y nunca cambiara.

"Human rights campaigners vowed to take action against the police.

Lawyers for the human rights group Liberty represented the teenager in his legal battle.

James Welch from the organisation said: "The police may have ended their inquiries into this tawdry incident but rest assured that Liberty's inquiry will continue.

"Democracy is all about clashing ideas and the police should protect peaceful protest, not stifle it."

'No offence'

The teenager's mother said the move was "a victory for free speech".

She said: "We're all incredibly proud of him.

"We advised him to take the placard down when we realised what was happening but he said 'No, it's my opinion and I have a right to express it'."

A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) spokesman said: "In consultation with the City of London Police, we were asked whether the sign was abusive or insulting.

"Our advice is that it is not abusive or insulting and there is no offensiveness (as opposed to criticism), neither in the idea expressed nor in the mode of expression."

A spokeswoman for the City of London Police said: "The CPS review of the case includes advice on what action or behaviour at a demonstration might be considered to be 'threatening, abusive or insulting'.

"The force's policing of future demonstrations will reflect this advice." "
Source: BBC News - No charges over Scientology demo

Happy Birthday WBM!!

Us Puerto Rico Anons wish you a very Happy Birthday.

Mark Bunker Birthday

May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires.

Happy Bithday Mark Bunker!

Update: Message from WBM

Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. It always amazes me to see the action going on over there.

Keep up the great work!

- Birthday Boy WBM

Monday, May 19, 2008

Will Smith Backs Scientolo-School?

This article is from TMZ

Will Smith has dropped a bunch of money into opening up a new school in Calabasas, according to a report in the National Enquirer.

But we did a little digging, and the New Village Academy's website indicates that one of their models of learning is something called "Study Technology" -- a method created by none other than L. Ron Hubbard. The school also emphasizes the teaching of ethics and survival -- again, big topics in Scientology.

While Smith is not mentioned per se on the school's site, his reps did not deny his involvement. Instead, they gave TMZ the generic, "no comment", when questioned about his involvement in both the school and the Church.

So is he, or isn't he - a Scientologist, that is. According to Big Willy, he's not.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

lulz, clearwater, FL.

Here in the Corporate Cult's Clearwater base we have a lot of businesses that are owned by the Corporate Cult. Some of these businesses have signs in their windows that say "We have chosen not to serve anyone from Anonymous" or, in one case, the word "Anonymous" in a circle, crossed out with the "no"/"anti" symbol.

My question for anyone with legal info is - well is that not illegal?? I can't think of a scenario in which any other group of people could be categorically singled out and denied services at businesses with such blatant discrimination.

It made me think of the way Jews were treated in WWII - similar thing with signs on windows.
- evolvinganon / thread

Jason Beghe shows up at San Francisco protest

He didn't give a speech or anything like that but he gladly talked with a few Anonymous.

Friday, May 9, 2008

World’s Wealthiest Scientologist, James Packer, Quietly Sneaks Out Of Cult

Source and copy pasta: GlossLip

Body Thetans? Bridges costing $350K? None for me, thanks!

More down-stat news for Xenu-fearing folks. It seems Tom Cruise’s Church of Scientology has lost another one its wealthy “donors” as news of Australian media mogul James Packer stepping away from the money-making front group emerges on the internet.

James Packer, a close friend of Tom Cruise, was recruited into the organization during a vulnerable time in his life. Recently divorced from his first wife, humbled by some bad financial deals in his family’s multi-million dollar media company, Packer was ripe for the Cruise picking, but like any decent mogul, Packer and his money have seen the light. Details from a Sydney Morning Herald:

THE Church of Scientology has lost its grip on James Packer.

The billionaire’s closest friends have revealed that he has quietly distanced himself from Scientology, labelled a cult by some former members, as it faces international controversy about its anti-psychiatry stance.

Members of Mr Packer’s inner circle have confirmed that the billionaire, who had ranked as Scientology’s wealthiest member in the world, was no longer undertaking Scientology courses and had slowly moved away from the religion, telling his closest friends he no longer “needs it”.

His office did not respond to the Herald’s calls yesterday.

Mr Packer was introduced to Scientology by his friend Tom Cruise in 2002. Friends say they remain close. They were most recently photographed dining together with their wives in Germany.

The religion entered Mr Packer’s realm at one of the lowest points in his personal and business life. He was overweight and depressed, his marriage to his first wife, Jodhi Meares, had ended and he was reeling from the humiliating and very public collapse of One.Tel, losing $350 million from the family business on the way.

He has spoken publicly of his involvement in the religion only once, telling The Australian Financial Review Magazine in 2006 that he spent an hour or so “every couple of days” practising Scientology. “I think it has been very good for me,” he said. “It has been helpful. I have some friends in Scientology that have been very supportive. But I think it’s just helped me have a better outlook on life.”

Thanks to his Hollywood confidant Cruise, Mr Packer and his fortune were embraced at Scientology’s highest levels.

A video from 2004 shows Mr Packer in the front row with the world’s most senior Scientologist at a convention in Los Angeles at which Tom Cruise was awarded a large medal before a roaring crowd.

However, Scientology caused discomfort within Mr Packer’s old circle of Sydney friends. When his lifelong friend David Gyngell quit Channel Nine in May 2005, it was Mr Packer who called in Scientologists to counsel the TV executive.

Out of respect for his friend, Mr Gyngell listened to them but politely said he did not need their help. In a blaze of negative publicity, he left the network his father, Bruce, had launched. Mr Gyngell has since returned to Nine and resumed his friendship with Mr Packer.

However, observers suggest Mr Packer’s expanding casino empire has presented issues difficult to reconcile with Scientologist beliefs.

Scientology’s founder, the science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard, denounced gambling. “An obsessive gambler is a psychotic just like a drug addict or an alcoholic,” Hubbard wrote in 1977.

Wow, you’d think Scientology would embrace gambling like any good money-making scheme. Sort of like a hedge-fund but with crosses, aliens and secret super-human powers. Seriously, this stuff writes itself. Maybe this was why Tom Cruise looked so dejected on Oprah’s show. Nothing like losing the potential millions his friend James could bring to the group to get a guy down

It’s worth mentioning that perhaps James got a load of Kirstie Alley and that was all the proof he needed that Scientology does NOT help you lose weight, nor does it help you with your marital problems. Just ask three-times a charm Tom Cruise how that whole OT training and auditing has done for his love-life. It does however help you find compliant women to date who are easily brain-washed.

Good for you James, keep your money and go shoot some craps, the odds are now in your favor!

One day for Operation: Fair Game Stop


Here are all the last minute things; we don't have a planned protest but that shouldn't stop you from handing out flyers and informing the public about the cult's Fair Game Policy.

Aquí les dejo algunas cositas de ultima hora; no tenemos una protesta planeada que digamos, pero eso no te debe detener de repartir flyers e informar el publico sobre "Fair Game" (Juego Justo).

Press Release:

Source: Anonymous

‘Operation: FairGameSTOP’ - A Global Protest Against the Church of Scientology’s Suppression of Free Speech

San Juan, PR — 10/05/2008 11:00 AM EST — This Saturday, the collective known as Anonymous launch ‘Operation: FairGameSTOP’, the fourth in a series of global protests against the Church of Scientology. From 11am (local time) onwards, thousands of Anonymous will take to the streets in peaceful protest at over 100 Church of Scientology centres around the world, including Hato Rey, Puerto Rico.

Anonymous is a grassroots collective comprised of ordinary people from all walks of life, from former Scientologists and long-time cult activists, to college students and corporate professionals, all united in recognition of the malign nature of the Church of Scientology, the danger it poses to society, and the necessity of action. Since the campaign's inception in January, over 10,000 activists from around the world have joined Anonymous' fight, and millions have been made aware of the dangers posed by the Church and its practices.

This May initiative focuses specifically on "Fair Game", the Church of Scientology's official policy for handling its 'enemies'. In a 1967 policy letter, founder L. Ron Hubbard stated these enemies may be: "deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist… May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed."[1] Although the Church claims that this policy was retracted in 1968, the text of the retraction states that only the term "Fair Game" was retracted. Scientology continues to harass, stalk, and sue its critics as well as former Church members who have left. Famous victims include American author Paulette Cooper and BBC journalist John Sweeney.

Multiple governments [2] have become aware of the perverse tactics of Scientology, and are beginning to take positive steps in reducing the damage it perpetrates. Under increasing pressure from media[3], police departments [4] and the tide of public opinion, Scientology has gone on the attack. In recent weeks, Anonymous protesters have been stalked and threatened with legal action in an attempt to dissuade them from protesting, and silence their criticism. Anonymous remain undaunted, and will continue to confront the cult and its numerous front groups wherever they pose a threat.

For more information on the Church of Scientology and Anonymous, an info package has been created and is available for download at

[1] HCO Policy Letter of 18 October 1967, Issue IV
[2] BBC NEWS | Europe | Germany moves to ban Scientology
[3] Attacking Scientology - CNN
[4] Authorities in Belgium raid Church of Scientology - Wikinews, the free news source

Anonymous: Project Chanology Information:
Are you ready to Go Anonymous? Fight the Church of Scientology - Ask us Why
Stop Scientology Abuses | You Found The Card
Why We Protest Scientology Activism and Organization
Project Chanology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flyers: For all the current Fair Game Flyers please click here (and scroll down when there). And you may also find more at the information bar to the right of the screen.


  • Always wear a mask when protesting or handing out flyers, even if you are not near the cult. Just inform the public why you are using them and explain the fair game policy.
  • Record videos and take pictures.'
Code of Conduct as follows:
The purpose of the demonstration in a modern western society is to convey a message to the public. In keeping with this objective, Anonymous has drafted 22 rules that Anonymous can follow in order to assure epic win and no loss of hit points on your part.

Rule #0: Rules 1 and 2 of the internet still apply. Your memes are not, at this juncture, something that the real world can appreciate. Although meme speak between fellow Anonymous is acceptable, focus on the target and keep it to a minimum.

Rule #1: Stay cool. Rule #2: Stay cool, especially when harassed. You are an ambassador of Anonymous. Although individuals trying to disrupt your demonstration will get on your nerves, you must not lose your temper. Doing so will harm the protest and tarnish the reputation of Anonymous.

Rule #3: Comply with the orders of law enforcement officers above all else. Doing otherwise is harmful the demonstration as a whole and may compromise your performance as a human being. Do not request badge numbers unless you are being treated in a very abusive manner, as doing so will anger officers.

Rule #4: Notify city officials. Most jurisdictions either have rules about public protests, or would prefer to be notified that they are taking place. Know the rules for your jurisdiction and abide by them.

Rule #5: Always be across the street from the object being protested. Rule #6: In the absence of a road, find another natural barrier between yourself and the target of protest. Doing so will make it more difficult for individuals hostile to your cause to come and harass you.

Rule #7: Stay on public property. You may be charged for trespassing if you do not.

Rule #8: No violence. Rule #9: No weapons. The demonstration is a peaceful event. Your weapons. You will not need them.

Rule #10: No alcohol or pre-drinking. Violating this rule may easily precipitate a violation of rules 1 and 2.

Rule #11: NO graffiti, destruction, or vandalism.

Rule #12: If you want to do something stupid, pick another day. These should be self explanatory. Violation of these rules during a demonstration will tarnish the reputation of Anonymous, harm the demonstration itself and leave you vulnerable to attention from law enforcement.

Rule #13: Anonymous is legion. Never be alone. Isolation during a protest marks you as a target for handlers who wish to provoke an angry reaction from you and other hostiles. In keeping with this principle... Rule #14: Organize in squads of 10 to 15 people.

Rule #15: One or two megaphones per squad. A megaphone is helpful for maintaining the overall cohesion of a demonstration and spreading your message. However, too many will confuse the public and render you hearing impaired.

Rule #16: Know the dress code. Forming a loose yet reasonable dress code for protest members will help to maintain cohesion and get the public to take you seriously.

Rule #17: Cover your face. This will prevent your identification from videos taken by hostiles, other protesters or security. Use scarves, hats and sunglasses. Masks are not necessary, and donning them in the context of a public demonstration is forbidden in some jurisdictions.

Rule #18: DO NOT take ID or credit cards. This will prevent your definitive identification in case you do something unseemly and get noticed by law enforcement.

Rule #19: Bring water. Rule #20: Wear good shoes. Following these rules will assure your comfort during the demonstration. Keep in mind that demonstrations may often be quite lengthy.

Rule #21: Signs, flyers, and phrases. Have yours ready. Make sure that signs are large enough to read. Also ensure that the text on your signs and your phrases are pertinent to the target of the protest. Finally, prepare legible, uncomplicated and accurate flyers to hand out to those who wish to know more regarding the motivations behind your actions.

Rule #22: Document the demonstration. Videos and pictures of the event may be used to corroborate your side of the story if law enforcement get involved. Furthermore, posting images and videos of your heroic actions all over the internet is bound to generate win, exhorting other Anonymous to follow your glorious example.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Scientologist responds to Anonymous on CNN

Scifag Tommy Davis lies on CNN saying that such disconnection and body thetans don't exist. D: he failed on national live tv. wow.

CNN also has another video on the war against the Cult of $cientology: Attacking $cientology.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A note be waiting for you inside this bottle..

Proyecto Chanology [Main]

Note: This was removed from the top to make space for the new sea arrrgh theme. I have made a link so it will never be lost.

Proyecto Chanology

Este es un proyecto creado por anonymous para protestar en contra de la Iglesia de Scientology, no la religión. Y por el abuso contra el "free speech" o libertad de expresión, demostrándolo al quitar un vídeo de Tom Cruise que fue "leaked" hablando sobre la iglesia de Scientology de una forma que nos demuestra "de que se trata la iglesia" y promocionandola hasta el extremo. Pero como el vídeo recibió una respuesta negativa, la "iglesia" decidió remover el vídeo de YouTube, reclamando que es una violación de copyright debido a que supuestamente es un vídeo interno de la iglesia. Esto creo una alta alerta sobre scientology y resulto que varios usuarios buscaran mas información sobre la iglesia y por la cual realizaron todas las horribles cosas que hace la iglesia a las personas que hablan mal de la iglesia, se tratan de salir, o a los ex-scientologists.

Pero simplemente la historia de una fiel mujer a scientology cambia su modo de pensar sobre la iglesia. Vayan aqui.
Es una historia terrible que se pudo haber evitado pero desafortunadamente tuvo que terminar asi.

"La gente debe tener acceso a ambos lados de la historia y formar su propia opinión. Libertad de expresión significa que permitimos que todos hablen - incluyendo a aquellos con los cuales tenemos fuertes desacuerdos. Yo soy de la opinión de que la Iglesia de la Scientología es una organización criminal y un culto que fue diseñado para abusar de las personas por un fundador delirante. Aun así estoy comprometido a luchar por su derecho de decir su opinión."

-Andreas Heldal-Lund

Poco despues un video de Anonymous fue "uploaded" en YouTube declarando oficialmente guerra contra la Iglesia. Aqui hay una traducción en español.

"Anonymous has become Unanimous – one voice at last unafraid to tell the truth about the many evils of the Scientology cult."

—Paulette Cooper

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Freewinds sealed and blue abestos confirmed.

This just showed up in the local newspaper today:

Scientology's Freewinds hides information about presence of asbestos. - NeoGAF

WILLEMSTAD: During refurbishing and reparatory work, which involved
removing the ceiling and panelling on cruise ship Freewinds, blue
asbestos was released and ended up in the ventilation system.

Freewinds' captain did not report this when it's own personnel were
working on the ship on the Mathey warf in Otrobanda. The Curacao
Drydock Company (CDM), where the ship was taken for reparatory work on
the hull, heard from the surveyor that there may be asbestos on the
ship. The captain acknowledged the incident and said that after the
incident Freewinds had some investigation done. Keeping the incident
quiet became more noticeable when it turned out that the 40-year-old
ship contatined blue asbestos.
The question is whether or not the blue asbestos dust, which can cause
cancer, can be removed from the ship. The CDM has stopped all work on
the ship. The ship was sealed and isolated and experts will
investigate and measure the presence of asbestos dust in the hull and
surrounding areas. Commissioners Eugene Rhuggenaath (Economic Affairs)
and Humphrey Davelaar (Public Health) said on Friday.

CDM interim director Frank Esser, deputy head of the Department of
Labour Affairs Christiene van der Biezen were accompanied by two
inspectors and head of the health Department Tico Ras. Samples taken
from the panelling last week by inspectors that were sent to the
Netherlands showed that they contained significant amounts of blue
asbestos. After an extraordinary meeting, the Executive Council
decided to inform the public in general about the incident to avoid
remours and panic.

The CDM personnel were also informed via the media because it was
impossible to gather all the workers Friday evening to personally give
them the information.

Take care. Operation Clambake Message Board :: View topic - New article about abestos on the Freewinds

Scientology's Freewinds hides information about presence of asbestos. - NeoGAF - thread with picture of article

Affidavit from Lawrence Woodcraft about the abestos (from 2001)
Lawrence Woodcraft Affidavit about Asbestos on the Freewinds - January 24, 2001


Radar Online runs a story about the Failwinds.
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Scandal on the Lido Deck: Scientology Cruise Ship Exposing Passengers to Asbestos?

Mouthpiece Karen Pouw responds to the story that Radar Online wrote

Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Cancer on the Lido Deck? Scientology Responds


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Xenu TV YouTube Account Suspended!

Like always the "Church" of Scientology proving their hate of free speech. Now recently Xenu TV (Mark Bunker) has been the target, as well as Tory's but we all managed to get her's back. The following are some videos of them talking about this.

All we ask you is to please contact YouTube about this issue and get Mark's account back!

Please Contact YouTube at the following emails:
or go to and click "contact us" on the right side.

Contact by phone:
1 650-253-0000 then press 0

"Please be polite and concise and let them know this is unacceptable."

-TorontoSP (on Tory's account suspension)

On another note yesterday afternoon I saw a Scientology AD again on YouTube.


Wikinews has an article on it: YouTube Accounts of Scientology critics suspended

Digg Mark's YouTube Video.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Operation Fair Game: Stop!


Preorder Battletoads NOW!!!

April 12: Operation Reconnect Results/Resultados

While others where protesting, we were passing out flyers and bringing the viral campaign of here in PR at Borders.

I'm not sure If others went to protest and if you did please post the pictures/videos here. I really couldn't go but I still wanted to bring the message one more so I went viral in Borders with a friend of mine. Placing cards everywhere; inside books (or a specific Biography for that matter..) XD, bathrooms, CD's, on the floor, mangas, ect.

Actually we placed a card on the floor to see how fast someone would pick it up, so we set it left and came back in 5 min and it was gone, nice! I'm planning to do this on other places too so it's not over yet.



Mientras que otros protestaban, nosotros estábamos pasando "flyers" y trayendo el marketing viral de a Puerto Rico en Borders.

No estoy seguro si otros pudieron protestar porque no tuve tiempo para pasar por allí pero si, si hubo una protesta y tienen fotos/video deja la info en un comment en este tema de blog. Yo personalmente no podía ir pero comoquiera quería traer el mensaje asi que me fui de campaña viral en Borders con un amigo. Pusimos cartas en todos lados; adentro de libros (o biografías, si saben de que hablo..) XD, baños, CDs, en el suelo, mangas, ect.

En una oportunidad pusimos una tarjeta en el piso para ver cuan rápido la recogía alguien, asi que lo dejamos. Entonces regresamos como en 5 min y ya no estaba, brutal! Estoy planeando hacer esto en otros lugares tambien y los invito a que hagan lo mismo.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 = Censorship en los Reviews

Edit: Ahora GlossLip tiene un articulo sobre esto. Vayan aqui.

De acuerdo a un usuario de la pagina de ventas "" esta censurando los "reviews" del libro de Dianética (Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health) a limitar solo los positivos. Se tratara esto de otra de las respuestas de la Cienciología a censurar la libre expresión como lo hace con sus miembros?

Es en ingles pero si alguien que realmente le interesa saber lo que dice, y no lo entiende, comuníquese con nosotros a

"About a week ago a wrote a two starred review of the Dianetics book with the main gist being that the book might contain a smattering of useful information and that if people found comfort in it that that's fine but that the upper echelon that coordinates the Church of Scientology should not to be trusted because they are more concerned with emptying people's bank accounts than clearing the world. The review was not abusive or hateful and expressed my opinions, which is what a review is supposed to be except when it comes to books about Scientology.

This is not the Chruch of Scientology, which means that negative reviews have just as much of a right to exist as do the glowing reviews obviously written by biased Scientologists. Censorship is censorship regardless of how you justify it and it is wrong and morally repugnant. All religions have their detractors but few of them are as pernicious as Scientology when it comes to silencing those who disagree.

And let me make this clear: I don't have a problem with dianetics or people who desire to practice it, which means I am not a religious bigot or bashing your beliefs. I do have a problem with the hierarchical structure of the Church of Scientology, which is manipulative (such as telling people with chemically based depression or schizophrenia that they don't need to take their medications and should instead take vitamins and be audited, which has resulted in more than a few deaths and ruined lives), deceitful (watch the video where David M. implies corporate partnerships with CoS including Dell and 7-11 that have all denied any connections with the Church), and against the concept of freedom of speech when that speech is against them but will frantically claim their freedom of speech must be protected.

If you don't like a person's critique you can open a discussion like this one and produce your rebuttal but it is disgusting to have the reviews taken down by having your people repeatedly report all the 1, 2, and even 3 star reviews as offensive because they critique your beliefs. The 1, 2, and 3 star reviews keep disappearing and I can guarantee that is not doing that on their own accord.

If your church leaders are trying to hide negative reviews from you what else are they hiding from you for your supposed benefit?"

- brentbent @

Para ver la pagina en donde se encuentra eso escrito vaya aquí. A continuación tienen un video de Tory Christman (, ex-cienciologa que estuvo 30 años en la Cienciología y llego alcanzar a el nivel secreto mas alto (OT8) y ahora después de haberse salido explica como su vida ha mejorado después de estar tantos años en una secta destructiva, su Canal en Youtube es ToryMagoo44 ahí has múltiples videos que inspiran a cualquiera. El video que he añadido hoy se trata sobre la censura de la iglesia de la Cienciología y Anónimo.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


ONWARD - Road To March 15, 2008 - FINAL VERSION from Pelvidar on Vimeo.

Pelvidar @


This video is finally ready for release. I have hosted it on Vimeo this time around, because they offer HD uploads for free. To view it in full quality, click the "FULL" icon on the screen, and then click the scaling button. Depending on how the scaling is set, it will either stretch to the full monitor size or not. Stretching to full monitor size looks nice on my screen.

I have mixed feelings about this video. The first one I created tried to capture the beginnings of this movement. That video was called "Road To February 10, 2008", and was originally posted on DailyMotion (see it here: It told a truly phenomenal story about the rise of Anonymous vs. Scientology. There was a lot of emotional energy to draw from.

This sequel, however, focuses more on "information", and I don't think it has the same emotional impact. Which is okay, I suppose, but I think it reduces the "epic win" nature of it. I hope some of you still find it beareable to sit through. Once again it is 15 minutes long... could be tough if you have A.D.D.

I do think it would be a useful tool to show those who don't have a personal investment in Anonymous and simply want to know "why" concerns about Scientology are worth a second thought.

This video had a very limited release a week ago, in order to catch the majority of errors. However, there may be more, and your feedback would be most appreciated, positive or negative.

For the future DVD release, I will try to incorporate as many of the necessary corrections as possible.

The video:

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Yahoo.. lulz.

Lol whut?

Yahoo Search: Scientology Puerto Rico

What is the first result?

Puerto Rico | Scientology Lies

Awesome, and this isn't even anon's work. But it's a great site check it out:

Operation Reconnect Thread on Enturb.

We have now made a thread available on Enturbulation discussing the planning stage of this protest.

Ahora tenemos un tema en los foros de Enturbulation para discutir la fase de planeacion de la protesta.

Find it here.